Where - Drietoma Village Hall (outside of Trencin)
Time - 3pm to late
Where to stay - there is a good selection of places to stay in Trencin, let us know if we can help you find a place.
Closer to the date we’ll be in touch to coordinate transport from Trencin to Drietoma (as needed).
Nearby Airports - Bratislava, which is very close to Vienna, approx 1 hour by train to Trencin; Poprad, near High Tatras, approx 3 hours by train to Trencin
Other places to visit in Slovakia:
High Tatras (close to Poprad airport)” Stary Smokovec, Štrbské Pleso
Low Tatras
Between Poprad & Trencin, there are a couple nice old towns with access to beautiful outdoors: Liptovský Mikuláš & Ružomberok
Bratislava - can be done in a day but worth visiting if you are going through