DRIETOMA II utilizes traditional Slovak hemp fabric (konope) which has been hand-made: home grown and hand spun. The bleaching process of the material involves laying it out on riverbanks, pouring water over it, letting the hot sun dry it and repeating. Each piece of cloth is one of a kind, from thirty to over a hundred years old.
It is a hard wearing, versatile material which, in Slovakia, used to be commonly used for a range of products including rope, folk garments and bed cloths. The material found in DRIETOMA II products is sourced from the village Drietoma, Trenčín Region, Slovakia, as well as neighbouring towns. This fertile region once produced varied crops of hemp, sugar beets, potatoes, wheat, oats and barley. Today sunflower, canola and hay are the main crops and hemp fabric is stored away in attics and cupboards.
DRIETOMA II repurposes this industrious material for its range of unisex products.
Select DRIETOMA I for a visual backstory.